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YIWH 68th Anniversary Dinner

Meet The Honorees

Meet The Honorees

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Jani and Arthur Cooperberg - Family of the Year

In the 28 years that Jani and Arthur Cooperberg have lived in West Hempstead they have never shied away from getting involved in the community. They quickly got involved in HANC, both serving on numerous committees over the years. Jani could be found serving lunch to the kids putting together the teacher appreciation luncheons, organizing book fairs and sitting on search committees. Arthur was on the finance committee, scholarship committee, hardship committee, and served as Vice President for 5 years. Arthur received the Mack Markowitz award in 2007 and they were honored by Hanc as guests of honor in 2012. 

They were also very involved with Emunah of America. Jani participated on many committees for our chapter and was President of the chapter for 5 years. Together they donated a reading room and a garden at the Beit Elezraki children’s home and they were honored with the keter Shem tov award at the Emunah of America National Dinner in 2006. 

However, the Young Israel of west Hempstead was always closest to their hearts. Jani was a cooking captain for our chesed committee for many years, decorated the shul for holidays, helped out at many sisterhood  events over the years and sat on the search committee for our rabbinic interns, the Assistant Rabbi and is currently a delegate of our shul to the National Council of Young Israel. She began the Women’s Parsha Shiur for Cholim over 7 years ago which still continues every Wednesday evening . Arthur was on the seating committee for many years, our financial secretary, treasurer and our President for an unprecedented three years. Beginning with the need for security enhancements after the Pittsburgh shul shootings, COVID and vaccinating over 500 of our members , negotiating and establishing our new crosswalk, negotiating the purchase of HANC 609, and of course the untimely passing of our Morah D'Asra Rabbi Kelemer he certainly had his hands full. He is currently a Board member and the chairman of the finance committee. Jani and Arthur were the sponsors of our very successful Camp Kinderlach which they hope to continue for many years to come.

Arthur and Jani were  inspired to volunteer and take leadership roles in their community by the legacy of both of their parents. They hope to instill these values in their own children, Abie and Samara, Amanda and Alyssa and Alec, and grandchildren, Mikey, Mason and Liam.


Sruli Szpigiel - Community Service Award 

Sruli Szpigiel grew up in West Hempstead, and moved back 6 years ago when he and his wife Joy decided this was where they wanted to raise their children. In 2018, after assisting on numerous projects around the neighborhood, he followed in the footsteps of his father Harvey A”H, who was extremely involved in the shul during Sruli’s childhood, and joined the Young Israel board.

When the time came to re-open the shul doors and bring the shul members back post-Covid, Sruli founded the new 9:10 minyan which grew from 30 participants in its first week to over 100 weekly attendees (and that’s before Kiddush!). This minyan has become the largest source of new Young Israel members over the past 2 years.

When safety issues became dangerously apparent on Hempstead Avenue in front of the Shul building, Sruli was integral in working with the town and county to get our crosswalk and light system set up, and new safety measures put into place. Through this process, “Israel” Szpigiel became a prominent reference in the Nassau county political arena.

Sruli has served on multiple committees around the neighborhood, plays a critical role in the HANC building purchase and development for the Shul, is serving his second term on the Shul Board Nominating Committee, is asked to advise on many Shul issues both publicly and privately, and most importantly, has enhanced the quality and quantity of our Shavuos night and Simchas Torah Kiddushim. 

Sruli lives on Maple Street with his extremely supportive wife Joy, and his 2 children, and we are thrilled to honor him with the Young Israel of West Hempstead Community Service Award.

Joy Goldenberg - Aishes Chayil Award

When Joy’s family moved here 20 years ago, she looked for ways to be involved in the community.  While she was already teaching at the ECC and working at Ruach Day Camp, she started helping at some Shul activities. She began by volunteering whenever the youth department needed parental help.  Apparently, it was a running bet in the Aryeh home if she would be the first to respond to these requests.  Over the years, she has helped the dinner committee by stuffing invitations, table seating, and signing people in.  She and her husband also have been a buddy family for new members. She is also a member of the Chesed Committee. She is part of a Tehillim Group and a Shir Ha’Shirim group to daven for a refuah and for people to find their BaShert.  Joy has helped with Sisterhood Meshaloch Manot by packing, delivering and taking sometimes 3 or 4 routes to make sure all the baskets were delivered.  She also began a Medical Gemach from her garage. She is currently also the interim full time Mikvah attendant.





We welcome new members who joined within the last 3 years and who haven't attended the dinner in the past to sign up for a full page ad and dinner reservations for 2 at the reduce price of $360 - please select the "New Member" option below

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784