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YIWH Committees

Get Involved! YIWH Committee System

The Young Israel of West Hempstead strongly encourages active participation by its members in all aspects of the shul ranging from chesed to programming. We have a long tradition of volunteering through our committee system where members are invited to join committees that allow them to contribute at any level of commitment they choose.

For more information on how to get involved contact one our committee chairs directly or contact the President or one of our officers and we will work to find a committee that suits your interests.

Oversight Committees

Primary & Sub-Committees

Adult Education Committee


  • Scholars In Residence / Speakers
  • Rabbinic Intern Selection
  • Library

Chesed Shel Emes Committee


  • Chevra Kadisha
  • Cemetary
  • Shiva Equiptment
  • Shiva Minyan
  • Shomrim
  • Seudas Havrah

Fundraising Committee


  • Capital Campaigns
  • Dinner
  • Kol Nidre
  • Rabbi's Fund
  • Yizkor Book
  • Yahrzeit Notification
  • Yahrzeit Plaques
  • CIA
  • UJA

Jewish Action Committee


  • Government Affairs
  • Israel Awareness
  • Yom Ha'atzmaut
  • Yom Hashoah
  • Israel Bonds
  • Parnassah

Membership Committee


  • New Members
  • Retention
  • Communications

Ritual Committee


  • Decorum
  • Minyan & Zman Schedules
  • Gabbayim
  • Minhagim
  • High Holiday Seating
  • Kiddush
  • Shalosh Seudos
  • Eruv
  • Shabbos with the Stars
  • Teflin / Mezuzah Check
  • Shmurah Matzah
  • Simcha Rules

Safety & Security Committee


  • CSS
  • Fire Safety
  • House
Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784